neděle 8. května 2011

Why is it important?

We now live in the society classified as the information era, which is an idea that people have ability to access and distribute information and knowledge freely through mass media. It is easier than ever to get what you are looking for, but on the other hand, it overwhelms us with unsolicited materials as well. People often do not realize that the exposure to mass media has any negative effects, but it does, and it usually affects the weakest members of our society, children. Mass media such as television negatively effects the psychological development of children and adolescents reproduced in criminal and aggressive behavior. Children try to imitate adult’s behavior observed on television, but they are unable to distinguish real life from fiction. As consequences, children and adolescents engage in aggressive behavior, bullying in schools, and even more serious crimes such as homicides. To prevent this extremely serious impact on children, it is important to be informed about the issue, to know the risks connected to television exposure, and to know possible solutions to this problem.

1 komentář:

  1. This is very true. Me myself have two younger sisters and I see the impact of television and violence on them every day. The youngest one watches TV at least! 3 hours a day! She is ten but anyway, it is crazy. Anything you watch, there is some kind of violence there. You can switch on Disney Channel and it is still full of violence. Tom and Jerry, Simpsons, anything. It is hard to keep her from that. I think she knows that this is not the real world and that media potray life situations a bit differently, but maybe she does not.
